Enterprise Theater Management System
With more control and enhanced visibility, you can manage content across an entire cinema circuit from anywhere, at any time; all from a single dashboard.
It's time to revolutionize how you operate from head office.
Automatically build playlists for your entire circuit from one location.
Break pre-show plans into segments and manage them by label, playlist, organisation, or third party.
Centrally manage all your content from one place, including ratings, offsets, metadata, deletions.
Monitor a stream of every screening from across your circuit or examine individual schedules at specific sites.
Manually build playlists for one or more screenings.
Split your segments by cinema week, theater, time, day, format, and more.
Use the tasks manager to monitor issues from across your circuit and ensure playback as planned.
Create intermissions for shows, manage advertising content with pre-show segments, and stagger intermissions to avoid full lobbies.
Automatically select your feature film based on screen capabilities and point of sale attributes.
Task timeline monitoring
Automated templating
Fix errors up to 30 minutes before show start
Unlimited pre-show splits
Manage trailers by title
Duplicate pre-show across playlists
Organization wide pre-show management
Easy media asset managment
Time based marketing campaigns
Cloud-based control of your entire circuit.
Missing keys and content monitoring
Disconnected sites monitoring
Schedule playlist monitoring
Site schedule monitoring
Site device view
Site KDM view
Content view
POS integration with Screenwriter
Missing keys and content monitoring
Disconnected sites monitoring
Schedule playlist monitoring
Site schedule monitoring
Site device view
Site KDM view
Content view
POS integration with Screenwriter
Screen Advertising Company API integration by POS or AAM Cloud
Manage Titles with TMDB integration
Title matching for content and schedules
Schedule content deletion
Crteate playlists
Assign playlists to schedules
Show details view
Edit CPL meta-data
Add multiple feature offsets
Schedule content deletion
Manage pre-shows by title, organisation and playlist
Split pre-show segments by site, print and cinema week
Advanced planned, playback and content reporting
Missing keys and content monitoring
Disconnected sites monitoring
Schedule playlist monitoring
Site schedule monitoring
Site device view
Site KDM view
Content view
POS integration with Screenwriter
Screen Advertising Company API integration by POS or AAM Cloud
Manage Titles with TMDB integration
Title matching for content and schedules
Schedule content deletion
Create playlists
Assign playlists to schedules
Show details view
Edit CPL meta-data
Add multiple feature offsets
Schedule content deletion
Manage pre-shows by title, organisation and playlist
Split pre-show segments by site, print and cinema week
Split pre-show segments by format, show type, day and show percentage
Advanced planned, playback and content reporting
Create content placeholder to schedule ahead of time
Automatic feature selection based on screen capabilities and show attributes
Fully automatic playlist building and scheduling
Avoid missed shows with the task timeline.
Ensure your shows have playlists, content and everything they need with the Producer task timeline.
Centralised film titles let you manage trailers, ads, features, show types and content for all your theaters in one place.
Montitor you schedules from the Shows pape. Here you can title match sessions, assign manual playlists, monitor unassigned shows and more.
Drill down to show level granulairty with the show page. Here you can see the intersection of ads, marketing, trailers, feature and macros.
Monitor content from your entire circuit from the content page.
Here you can see any CPL ingested anywhere on your citcuit, which which devices it's on, update meta data like ratings, offsets and attributes.
Centrally delete content when it's not needed.
Automate your playlist scheduling with Producer Playlists.
Automatic playlists let you target shows with Point of Sale attributes and manage ad, trailer, marketing, feature and macro segments seperately.
Segment splits let you manage pre-shows with different selectsion for theaters, cinema weeks, times, days and more.
Email planned, played, missing content, key, macro and other reports out of the system with the Producer Reports page.